Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sermon Notes: Mchipisi Baptist Church, May 22nd 2011

 PICTURES: The first is of Pastor Kenneth and his wife Emma. The 2nd is a map of Limpopo where the red is our location (or near it). It is the farthest north-eastern part of the country.

Sermon Notes: (NOTE: this is an exact copy of my hand-written manuscript)
Sermon, May 22nd, 2011
Romans 8:28
1st-testimony, Psalm 19:7, Romans 10:10
Review, Roman’s Purpose
“Paul’s Gospel Book”
Chapter 1- Paul identifies himself as a slave to Christ Jesus, specifically set apart for the gospel of Christ Jesus. He spends the 1st of ½ of chapter 1 exalting the glorious gospel of Christ Jesus, and the 1nd ½ he speaks of the terrible consequences of rejecting Christ Jesus. Chapter 2 and 3, Paul speaks of God’s righteous standard, and how no one has ever lived up to it, and being Jewish doesn’t even help! You must have Christ Jesus.
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In chap. 4, Paul speaks of Moses and how he as well was justified by faith. Chapters 5 and 6, Paul speaks of what justification brings about. Some of these things are Peace with God, escaping the wrath of Almighty God, and being dead to sin and alive to God. Chapter 7 talks of something we are all familiar with. The conflict that we have when we belong to Christ Jesus. Our struggle is between our new nature which we receive when we are born again, and our fleshly body, that we are abound to until we leave this earth.  He says “Oh wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death!” (Something I’ve oft thought after I’ve sinned)
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Now we come to Chap. 8. Verse 1-4 (read)
The Gospel of Christ Jesus here is clearly presented once again. We cannot live up to God’s standard. Remember what Jesus said: (adultery, murder, you only have to think the thoughts) Paul speaks through the next few verses about the difference between setting the mind on the flesh , and setting the mind on the spirit, but God is able to give life in Christ to those in the flesh. It is the Spirit of God that testifies that we are “children of God!” (Personal testimony example: I don’t have a date for when I was saved, but this is my assurance) (Read verses 16-17). Suffering?! Wait a moment! No one told me anything about suffering! I thought I was going to get money, good health, and good things. What is this suffering?!
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But there it is! But let’s think. What were Paul’s sufferings? He was beaten more than once, he was bitten by a snake on the island of Malta, and he was sought out by many to be killed. Jesus said in His sermon on the mountain “Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness”. (move on) Verse 19 tells us Paul’s attitude toward suffering for Christ Jesus. (read verse 18) (exposit) In verses 19-28, Paul speaks of how not only us, but ALL of creation is anxious waiting for God’s restoration. We look forward to when we be rid of these earthy bodies! When no longer we will get sick or hurt. However, we do not know when these things will be, so we must hope.
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Verse 26 and 27 give us another great hope (read verse) (exposit)
Before we read verse 28, I’d like to look at a verse in the Hebrew Scriptures. Deuteronomy 29:29-(read) how often do we wonder “what is the will of God?” And here it is! Obey His law, practice His commandments. But there is something else here. Something that is a little scary. What are the “secret things?” We don’t know. But we find our comfort here in verse 28 of Romans 8. (read verse) This verse has been on my mind since yesterday (speak about Mozambique). This verse immediately came to my mind as we left Pafuri yesterday. I had to choose whether I was to believe God in what He says here, or to believe the lies of the deceiver.
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Let’s go back to the verse: “and we know that God causes all things to work for good” Let’s stop there; Is this good God’s good, or our good? If we belong to Christ Jesus, then they are the same- but we may not always see it that way. The Greek word here is agathos- it means “benefit”. So we see that God works all things for our spiritual benefit. A question remains however: Who does God work things together for? We have 2 answers: 1. Those who love God. The Greek word here for love is agape- a love of sacrifice; one that will give up everything for Christ Jesus. Hallelujah (NOTE: This was a common interjection that is replied with “Amen”). Phillipians 3:8 (read) (exposit)
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As followers of Christ Jesus, we must be willing to give up anything for Him. (read Luke 9:23-25) (exposit) by this we know we love God! If we keep His commandments, and we will give our everything.
  In Romans 8:28, we also see that those who love God are also those who are “called according to His purpose”. All throughout the scriptures we see God’s calling. In Galatians Paul speaks of God as Him who set him apart “before His birth” and called him by “His Grace”. The book of 1 Corinthians says that “god is faithful, by whom you were called into fellowship of His Son Christ Jesus”, Halleluiah.
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These words can give us great comfort! That if we are called by God into Salvation through Christ Jesus His Son, then we will love Him, and He will work everything in our lives to our heavenly benefit. While it is a wonderful truth, it can still be hard to understand while we are experiencing trials. I would like to give one example from my own life (tell Danny’s story).
You see! Even when things seem to be terrible, God still uses them, no matter what they may be! Hallelujah! I praise God for His caring for His saints, no matter what!
-Mchipisi Baptist Church (David S. Harris), May 22nd, 2011

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