Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Dark Continent

Africa has been labeled as the "Dark Continent". I'd like to make a suggestion. Howa'bout we just say "The Dark World."
It's true. Africa often experiences a greater depth of human tragedy when compared to other places on our planet, but at the heart of it, while living here is different, it's the similarities that are more startling.
People are the same. Everywhere. That's why the gospel needs simply to be proclaimed with the only difference being a change in language among cultures. The heart still is as black as death unless God does a work in it- the heart of a New Yorker or a South African.

I know, I know. Why go to South Africa when you can do ministry in NY?
While people are the same everywhere, being in the Dark Continent provides what being stateside does not.
Experience. Education. Perspective.
The opportunities are more than golden... they're like... silicon (there's a big silicon mine a few K's away).

Bottom line. The Dark Continent doesn't need "safe-sex" education. It doesn't need teams of immature teenagers in "Jesus" t-shirts taking pictures playing soccer with orphans.
The Dark Continent needs the gospel of Christ Jesus-and not a one time deal that gives a "get out of a jail free card", but a faith that results in a worldview that completely and totally saturates every single life philosophy and decision. Faith only comes by hearing, and hearing from the word of God.
It is the only way to bring light to the Dark Continent.
It is the only way to bring light to the World.

1 comment:

Sera'iah Wolf said...


The world doesn't need alot of what we give it. It needs hard-core truth given in the love language ('cause, you know paul said if we have not love! We're just clanging gongs and resounding symbols). Love is important, but, man, you got to be sayin' something with those acts of love we do.